
Urgent Care or Emergency Care?


Urgent Care or Emergency Care? It’s Sunday afternoon and you aren’t feeling well.  You’ve been dealing with the sniffles for a few days and now you have a low-grade fever and are aching all over. Where can you go for relief from your symptoms? Do you go to the emergency room or an [...]

Urgent Care or Emergency Care?2021-06-17T14:57:17+00:00

Is it a Kidney Stone?


Is it a Kidney Stone? Pain is our body’s way of indicating something is wrong. While the cause of some pain is usually easily identified, a sudden onset of pain is a warning that needs immediate attention. For any pain you haven’t experienced before or that you do not have an explanation for, [...]

Is it a Kidney Stone?2021-06-15T19:39:06+00:00

What to Do When You Have an Earache and Sore Throat


What to Do When You Have an Earache and Sore Throat An earache and a sore throat can mean a number of things—but the combination of both may send you to the doctor. Because an earache can indicate that you are dealing with strep throat or an ear infection, it’s important that you [...]

What to Do When You Have an Earache and Sore Throat2021-06-02T01:46:50+00:00

How To Break a Fever


How To Break a Fever When your body experiences an increase in body temperature, it is known as a fever. A fever can be indicative of a number of things—from a bacterial infection to an inflammatory condition. While it may not seem like it, a fever is actually good for your body, as [...]

How To Break a Fever2021-05-04T01:52:54+00:00
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